Bible Studies
A Bible Study is a great place to meet new friends, explore God's Word and connect with people who care about you and can pray for you. We have several Bible Studies that meet throughout the week in people's homes and at the church, led by the Pastor or other leaders in our congregation. Contact the office and we'll get you the list of opportunities to gather and consider God's Word.
Youth Group
Our Youth meet several times a month on Friday Nights at 7pm. Our typical pattern is to meet for a Games Night the second Friday of each month, playing board games, video games, foosball and pool. On the third Friday we gather to explore the Bible, sing some songs and pray with each other. The fourth Friday we have a movie night and enjoy some pizza. The timing of Youth Events sometimes shifts to accommodate the pastor's schedule, so please check our calendar to make sure you're in the know.
Kitchen Classes
Interested in learning to plant things in your garden, harvest the food, preserve food with canning, cook and bake? We offer classes throughout the year to build skills in our community to grow and buy local food, preserve and use that food which is often healthier, more cost-effective and more nutritious than what you might find in stores and restaurants. Check our calendar, or contact our missions committee, if you'd like to know what's coming up.
Sunday School
During the School Year, we offer Sunday School before the service starting at 10am for children 5-12. While your kids are hearing Bible stories, making crafts and enjoying a snack, we have something for the parents, too. Coffee is served every Sunday Morning starting at 10am, with a chance to catch up with other parents and members of the congregation.
During the service, our nursery is available and our Kidz Spot in the sanctuary has shakers and ribbon rings for kids to use during the music with colouring pages and activities for those who get wiggly during the sermon.
Prayer Meetings
We meet Wednesdays at 3pm each week to spend time in prayer. It's an opportunity to share the burden of what worries you and the good news you're bursting to tell as we bring all the joys and challenges of life before God in prayer.
We have a mailing list to send out prayer requests within our congregation. To share a concern you'd like us to pray for or get added to the list to be a part of praying for others, contact the pastor.
Worship Team
Our Worship team leads our congregation in traditional hymns and worship songs. There are opportunities to join the team and share your talents. If you sing or play an instrument, talk to the pastor and we'll see if you are a good fit for our team. Our focus is on welcoming and developing new talent, so if you're a little unsure, there's lots of support and encouragement.
If you want to help with running Sound, PowerPoint or Video, training is available. Even if you just want to learn some new tech skills, let the pastor know you're interested.
Baptism Classes
The Pastor offers Baptism Classes as often as there is interest. If you want to learn a little about what it means to be a Baptist, what baptism entails and something of Christian History and Philosophy, please let the pastor know and we'll include you in the next session. Taking the Class doesn't mean you're obligated to be baptized, just that you want to learn what it's all about.